Upgrade Your Boiler / Heating System For Free

The Government’s ECO4 scheme means homeowners and private tenants in receipt of certain benefits (or living with someone receiving benefits) may be eligible to get an air source pump installed at no or little cost. The scheme covers England, Scotland and Wales. To be eligible you need to be living in a home in need of improving its energy efficiency and you or a member of the household must be receiving certain benefits.

Air source heat pumps are one of the most efficient ways to heat a home. They use a fraction of the amount of energy that a boiler or storage heater requires to heat a home. This is the most efficient way to heat most homes in the UK. The technology is nothing new, in fact they are already common place in much of Europe, Canada and America. We are now finally trying to catch up. Heat pumps work best (and use less energy) when providing constant heat so this means having a continually warm home whilst reducing energy usage at the same time. The sharp rises in energy costs have increased the importance of switching to more efficient ways to heat your home.

To qualify you or a member of your household needs to be in receipt of one of the below benefits:

  • Working Tax Credits
  • Child Tax Credits
  • Child Benefit
  • Income Support
  • Universal Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Income based ESA
  • Income based JSA
  • Pension savings Credit
  • Pension Guarantee Credit
  • Warm Homes Discount

To benefit from maximum funding you will also may need to improve your insulation and or have solar panels which can all be funded under the the ECO4 scheme.

If you are not eligible you may still be able to get £7,500 from the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. (https://freehomeenergygovernmentgrant.co.uk/air-source-heat-pump-bus/).